NGR: ST 5247 4863
NMR: ST 54 NW 103
SMR: S 22783
SAM: -
MCRA: 176
Excavation: H.E. Balch, 1907-22; C.B.M. McBurney, 1955.
Curation: Wells and Mendip Museum.
Burials: MNI: 1 (adult)
Finds: Roman pottery, worked flints, sandstone axe, animal bones.
Date: Unknown (5)
14C: -
Balch, H.E. (1913-22) Mendip Nature Research Committee Report 6: 41-49; 12: 28-29; 15: 21-24.
Branigan, K. & Dearne, M.J. (1991) A Gazetteer of Romano-British Cave Sites and their Finds. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield.