NGR: SX 9344 6416
NMR: SX 96 SW 12
SMR: -
SAM: 201, 10717
DCCR: 300
Excavation: J. MacEnery, 1825-29; W. Pengelly, 1865-80; H.G. Dowie, A.H. Ogilvie et al., 1926-40.
Curation: Torquay Museum; British Museum, London; Natural History Museum, London; Bolton Museum; Manchester Museum.
Burials: MNI: 3+
Finds: Beaker, Bronze Age and Iron Age pottery, flints, barbed and tanged arrowhead, amber beads, bronze and bone artefacts; Romano-British artefacts.
Date: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Anglo Saxon and Medieval (1).
14C: 30,900 bp (OxA-1621), 8270 bp (OxA-23812), 8185 bp (OxA-20588), 5053 bp (OxA-23809), 5020 bp (OS-36644), 3560 bp (OxA-1787), 3460 bp (OS-36643), 3008 bp (OxA-23810), 1520 bp (OxA-13132), 570 bp (OxA-11783) on human bone.
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