NGR: ST 5216 4844
NMR: ST 54 NW 35
SMR: S 24335
SAM: -
MCRA: 121
Excavation: Westminster Speleological Society, 1950-51.
Curation: ?
Burials: MNI: 1
Finds: Middle and Late Bronze Age pottery, flint scrapers and flakes, animal bones.
Date: Unknown (5)
14C: -
Branigan, K. & Dearne, M.J. (1991) A Gazetteer of Romano-British Cave Sites and their Finds. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield.
Jackson, J.W. (1962) Archaeology and palaeontology. In Cullingford, C.H.D. (ed) British Caving. p. 321.
Mason, D. (1952) Note on human skeleton found at Cook's Hill Wood, near Wookey Hole. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 97: 186-187.