NGR: ST 4936 5457
NMR: ST 45 SE 60
SMR: S 24097
SSSI: 562
MCRA: 119
Excavation: R. & A. Everton, 1971-76; A. Moody et al., 1983-86.
Curation: Oxford University Museum; Wells and Mendip Museum; Wessex Cave Club.
Burials: MNI: 30+
Finds: BA, IA and Romano-British pottery, flint knife, animal bones.
Date: EBA and IA (1)
14C: 3790 bp (OxA-1559), 3760 bp (OxA-1560), 2145 bp (SRR-3450) on human bone 3870 bp (OxA-1561), 3245 bp (BM-731), 4340 bp (SRR-3452), 4130 bp (SRR-3449), 3615 bp (SRR-3451), 3605 bp (OxA-9862) on animal bone.
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