NGR: ST 3607 5814
NMR: ST 35 NW 13
SMR: -
SAM: 13257
MCRA: 692
Excavation: W. Beard and D. Williams, 1833-1834.
Curation: Taunton Museum; Weston-super-Mare Museum; Natural History Museum, London.
Burials: MNI: 1+
Finds: Animal bones.
Date: Unknown (5)
14C: -
Currant, A. (2004). The Quaternary mammal collections at the Somerset County Museum, Taunton. In Schreve, D. (ed.) The Quaternary of Southern and Eastern England. Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association: 101-109.
Irwin, D.J. & Jarrett, A. (1993) Mendip Underground. A Caver's Guide. 3rd Edition. Mendip Publishing, Castle Cary.
Irwin, D.J. & Richards, C. (1998) The Bleadon and Hutton Caverns, West Mendip: a reassessment. Belfry Bulletin. 496:
Jackson, W. (1937) Schedule of cave finds. Caves and Caving 1: 91.
Knight, F.A. (1902) The Sea-Board of Mendip. Dent, London.