Learnie Cave 2B, Rosemarkie, Highland

NGR: NH 7566 6075

NMR: NH76SE 32

Canmore: 293466

SCD: 1708

Excavation: J. Wood, 2006; S. Birch and M. Peteranna, 2013-2016.

Curation: ?

Burials: MNI: 1 adult.

Finds: Roman artefact; medieval and post-medieval pottery; animal bones.

Date: Early Medieval (1)

14C: 1508 bp (SUERC-7072) on human bone.


Birch, S. & Peteranna, M. (2017) Rosemarkie Caves Project. Data Structure Report 2016. Archaeological Excavation in Learnie 2B Near Rosemarkie, Ross-shire.

McComas, J. 2017) Introducing Rosemarkie Man: A Pictish Period Cave Burial on the Black Isle.NOSAS Archaeology Blog, February 19 2017.

Peteranna, M. & Gunn, S. (2016) Rosemarkie Caves Project: Evaluation. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 16: 114.

Wood, J. (2006) Learnie Caves, Rosemarkie: community archaeology project. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 7: 100-101.

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