NGR: NS 2328 1029
NMR: NS21SW 1.05
Canmore: 214842
SCD: 651
Excavation: Grampian Speleological Group, 1960s; D. Alexander, 2003; National Trust for Scotland, 2018.
Curation: ?
Burials: MNI: 2+ (1 adult, 1 juvenile).
Finds: Post-medieval pottery, flint flake, animal bones.
Date: Early Medieval (1)
14C: 1149 bp (Wk-14017) on human bone.
Anon. (2018) Hidden doorway revealed at Culzean Caves.
Alexander, D. (2004) Culzean Castle Caves. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 5: 121-122.
Alexander, D. & Arthur, J. (2003) Culzean Castle Caves, laser scanning survey. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 4: 122.