Kirkhead Cave, Lower Allithwaite, Cumbria

NGR: SD 3910 7567

NMR: SD37NE 24

SMR: C 2415

SAM: 13444

NCI: 2099

Excavation: J. Bolton, 1853; J.P. Morris, 1864-5; North Lonsdale Field Club, 1920s; R.H. Wood and P. Ashmead, 1968-70.

Curation: Barrow Museum; Lancaster Museum; Manchester Museum.

Burials: MNI: 2+

Finds: Late Upper Palaeolithic flint tools, Late Bronze Age pottery, bronze artefacts, Romano-British artefacts, animal bones.

Date: Early Medieval (1)

14C: 1450 bp (SUERC-35296) on human bone.


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