Thor's Fissure Cavern, Wetton, Staffordshire

NGR: SK 0985 5496

NMR: SK 05 NE 30

SMR: 01959, 05221-3, 40245

SAM: -

DCR: 736

Excavation: G.H. Wilson, 1927-1935.

Curation: Buxton Museum.

Burials: MNI: 6 (4 adults, 2 juveniles).

Finds: Upper Palaeolithic flints, polished stone axe, Late Neolithic, Iron Age and Romano-British pottery, amber beads, bronze artefacts, animal bones.

Date: Unknown (5)

14C: 14C: 20,100bp (BM-1807) on animal bone


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Branigan, K. & Dearne, M.J. (1991) A Gazetteer of Romano-British Cave Sites and their Finds. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield.

Burleigh, R., Ambers, J. & Matthews, K. (1983) British Museum natural radiocarbon measurements XVI. Radiocarbon 25 (1): 39-58.

Papakonstantinou, N. (2009) Human Skeletal Remains from Neolithic Caves in the Peak District: an Osteoarchaeological and Taphonomic Approach. Unpublished MSc dissertation, Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield.

Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust (1993) Manifold Valley, Staffordshire, Cave Survey. Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust and RCHME.

Wilson, G.H. (1937) Cave work in the Manifold Valley. Caves and Caving 1 (2): 61-69.

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