Mill Pot Cave, Wetton, Staffordshire

NGR: SK 0966 5609

NMR: SK 05 NE 21

SMR: 02655, 04114

SAM: -

DCR: 701

Excavation: B. Bently, 1960; P. Turner, 1962.

Curation: Hanley Museum, Stoke-on-Trent.

Burials: MNI: 1 (adult).

Finds: Beaker and Bronze Age pottery, worked bone and tooth, animal bones.

Date: Late Neolithic or Bronze Age (4).

14C: -


Bramwell, D. (1963) Notes on some recent cave and gravel pit discoveries in North Wales and the Peak District. Peakland Archaeological Society Newsletter 19: 25-26.

Bramwell, D. (1973) Archaeology in the Peak District. Moorland Publishing.

Ryder, M.L., Longworth, I.H. & Gunstone, A.J.H. (1971) Prehistoric bone and pottery finds from Mill Pot Cave, near Wetton, Staffordshire. North Staffordshire Journal of Field Studies 11: 39-48.

Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust (1993) Manifold Valley, Staffordshire, Cave Survey. Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust and RCHME.

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